Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why you ask? Well,

The idea for this blog came to me over the course of about a week. I picked up Julia and Julie (or was it Julie and Julia?) through Netflix last week and decided for certain something I had always suspected (and declared loudly): Any idiot can write a blog. The question became, what to blog about? With a background in english lit, rock and roll, country music, radio, and politics, the possibilities seemed endless, and yet, none of those really seemed to jump out at me.

Politics of course is out, it's too divisive, I'm too opinionated, and quite frankly just because I'm good at them doesn't mean i actually like them. I'm a bit too anarchic for that.

Country music is out because if I call Taylor Swift a no talent teeny bopper one more time I suspect I'll have a mob of angry middle school girls attempting to strangle me with a rope made of bras with pictures of the Jonas Brothers on them.

Rock and roll seemed a likely option for a while, but really, how long can I proclaim once again that Clapton is God, John, Paul, George, and Ringo are the greatest no matter what band you put them in, and for a third example I'm already running into another problem with a rock and roll blog: way, way, way too much to say and every time I start I feel like I've something out. Like for instance I feel like I can't continue without rattling off a few more geniuses like Dylan, Orbison, Holly, Waits, Russell, and I'm going to cut myself off now.

Literature of course holds a special place in my heart, but the only people who read lit blogs are other English majors and we just like to talk to hear ourselves talk and try and name the most obscure books possible to win the on going "I'm better read than you" contest. Off Magazine Street. If you don't know it then I win.

So with those out, what to write about? the answer came to me in a article about professons that are statisticaly pretty much full of it.

Aside from getting a good laugh out of it, the last entry caught my attention. To save you the trouble of reading it, it's about how laughably inaccurate sports "experts" are at predicting the outcomes of games. It's basketball season, and just around the corner is March Madness and the ever favorite bracket picking. Last year I didn't do too bad, but that article got me thinking and I decided to try a little experiment. I'll tell you a little more about that in a minute.

Anyway, I like sports. I'm terrible at most of them. I can't hit, I'm only passably average at soccer, my golf game is in the 90's (the decade, not the score), and the only sport I actually enjoy playing is football. I'm 5'8 130 pounds. You do the math on that. All that said, I enjoy watching them. In football season I'm never bored on Sunday afternoon, in baseball season I'm forever disappointed (I'm a Nationals fan), and in basketball season I get to ride a lovely ACC rollercoaster of joy (N.C. Sate 88, Duke 74), disgust (Carolina 77, State 63), and total bewilderment (hasn't happened yet, but I'll have something for you by the end of the season).

All of that said, I'm not statistician, I couldn't tell you the starting line up of way too many of the teams out there, and I don't immediately flip the TV to ESPN when I turn it on. I go to TCM or the Scifi (SyFy?) channel. My older brother is the sports genius, and I leave all of those things to him. I suspect that the vast majority of people in this fine sports loving country are very similar to myself, and this blog is for you. It's not sports for women, or for idiots, or for any number of other high selling book titles out there, but rather one by a casual fan that can tell you exactly what happened on the last play, but maybe not all about the third inning of the '76 World Series.

My intention is to use this platform to discuss all manner of sports related items, as well as non sports things. Something like Hunter S. Thompson's column "Hey Rube" with less drugs. I don't follow rules very well, so expect me to stray from the topic unexpectedly with little or no apology. It's what i do.

Supposedly if I include this link this site will link to my blog. We shall see.....

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