On the weather note, I'd like to take this oportunity to state that at the first mention of global warming I will be flipping to channel the RFD network. In fact, I think I'll go ahead and start an over under bet as to how long into the opening ceremonies that mention will come. I'm going to say half an hour. I figure it will be about ten minutes before the first reference to going green.
Before you think I'm overplaying this, keep in mind opening ceremonies are not about kicking off they Olympics. They are about political posturing and showing off the best side of the host country while kicking the dirty laundry under the bed. Since the Olympics are a major media event, and more importantly a 21st century media event, dirty laundry tends not to say under the bed very long so you can bet the first controversies will come out by day three.
Of course I don't expect anything close to the fiasco that was Beijing, but maybe we will have some allegations of underage mooses or government censuring of beavers.
Of course, in the most recent two decades, putting on a happy face for the Olympics has included a happy mascot that nicely sums up the spirit of the games and the essence of the host country. Nothing, I think, does as great a job as America's Sam Eagle of 1984. Undoubtably we can count on Canada to pick something equaly fitting.
I'm sure Japan is proud.
I will continue my thoughts on the 2010 Winter Olympics after I do a little research and find out if there is any truth to the rumor that an extra Gold medal will be awarded to the country that Catches 'Em All.
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